Local News
Thursday, 09 July 2020 10:10

Anderson Sunflower Farm Opens

It is Sunflower season; do you know where the hotspot is in Forsyth County???

Anderson’s Sunflower Farm, which has been a local attraction for many years, opened Wednesday - with a somewhat larger operation that usual.

There is an extra field of flowers, which should make social distancing a little easier. Masks are not required, and there is plenty of hand sanitizer available.

Hopefully with the venue being outside in the fresh air and the extra space it will be a safer location for people to visit. 

The Sunflower farm is located at 3360 Shiloh Road in Cumming.  This has become a popular destination for families, photographers, and artist.  Many artists show up on opening day with their paint and canvases.  To take pictures, there is about a two-week period.  After that, the petals fall out and the center of the flower where the seeds actually grow continues to get larger and the “pretty part” is gone.

The sunflowers are available for purchase at just $1 each, and the admission fee is $20 per vehicle.  The farm hours are 8:30 am to 8:30 pm every day.

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