Local News
Sunday, 10 May 2020 16:43


In my purse there is a half-eaten Pop Tart along with a neon pink Silly Slime.  I wear baggy sweats with elastic waists.   I LIVE for nap times.

Mr. Rogers likes me just the way I am, despite the fact I might be carrying a wad of ABC gum (already been chewed) or something yucky from somebody’s nose.

Since COVID-19 I try not to wash my children’s face with spit.  I ask everyone about their rashes, or fevers.

When I am shopping (this rare occasion to get out and go wild) I usually have some stain on my shoulder from baby spit up.  Also, my hair has only been in a ponytail since?????

You may have seen me with a child sitting in the grocery cart, kicking my stomach, and yelling are we eating dog food again???  Another clue is I could have one child strapped on me and chasing the only child in history who can be in 12 places at once.

Another clue is I am the one shouting “Don’t touch that!”, or the very red-faced person muttering “I’m never doing this again!” as I get my child off the display toilet.  Remember potty training????

I usually have a glazed look on my face after answering for the millionth time, “I do not know what worms eat.”

I used to be intelligent, always thinking of the deep secrets of the universe.  I spent years in college preparing for great challenges of life.  I remember when getting together with friends meant conversations about current events, love, and the meaning of life.

I know you do not know my first name—I no longer have one.  I answer to my child or any child calling Mom, Mommy, Mamma or WAAAAAAAHHHH!

We at ForsythCounty.com and FoCo Woman salute all the everyday heroes THE MOM’S.

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