Local News
Monday, 11 February 2019 09:18

Cherry Street Community In Need of Support

Cherry Street and Rick Tanner's consider themself more than a business, they are family.  

The Taproom Manager, Samantha, lost everything and much more in a hourse fire. If you have been to the Taproom, in the past few years she has taken care of you in some sort of way, and now we ask you help take care of Her.  Samantha has lost everything to the tragic fire on January 25th.  Everything was burnt to ashes. Houses and belongs come and go but unfortunately she lost her sweet dog Gunner.  Please if you can go to www.gofundme.com/f/help-theprince039s-rebuild.

Thank you Amy Comstock for the following:

For Samantha, Andrew, Braydon, and of course Gunner.

With Love, Gunner

Hey mom and dad, it’s me your boy
I have some things to say,
Please know I simply fell asleep
No suffering that day!

When I woke up, I saw The Bridge
Quite colorful and bright,
God sent His Angels to guide me
And take away my fright!

I did not understand at first
Why I was not with you,
But they explained, He sent for me
I have a job to do!

You see, God needs some extra help
With special souls on Earth,
So I am now a Fur Angel
The reason for my birth!

I help protect the little kids
From up here on my cloud,
A guardian to those in need
I know I’ll make you proud!

This place is quite spectacular
I have the greatest view,
And every night, I get to spend
Some special time with you!

When you’re asleep, all tucked in bed
I curl up by your side,
You only see me with your hearts
Cause Angels have to hide!

God picked you out to be my folks
Cause you’re a special pair,
For you possess a specialness
And love that is so rare!

He wants for both of you to know
I’ve earned my Angel wings,
But that I bent my halo twice
By flying into things!

Please tell sweet Bray that I miss him
He’ll always be my boy,
And watching him as he grows up
Will be my greatest joy!

The three of you will always have
The love within my heart,
And even though you can’t see me
We’re never far apart!

The plaque that hangs upon my cloud
Says, “Home of Gunner Prince,”
But as a pup, I claimed your heart
And have not left you since!

© Copyright 2019 Amy Comstock